Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oriental Dance in Shinjuku

I went to Tokyo this weekend with Luka and his grandmother. On Sunday we spent the night in Sakura a town near the coast in Chiba. There I finally met Mari's cousin, he was the only member of her family that I hadn't yet met. He's a Latin Ballroom dance teacher- it was fun to hear him talk about Mari when they were kids. He hasn't seen her for about 15 years.
On Monday we trekked over to Disneyland for a few hours- pizza, chocolate popcorn and then onto Shinjuku to see Mari's Tokyo debut. Actually her stage name is Mayardy. It was a great show and her performance was effortless. A lot of people came up to her afterwards with tears in their eyes- they were that moved! It was a great relief for me because she's been stressing about the performance for the past few months.


Melanie Gray Augustin said...

How cool that her cousin is a latin ballroom dancing teacher. There must be some serious dancing genes in that family.

Please congratulate Mari for me on her Tokyo debut!

Oh... and guess who got 356 hits on one of her blogs in one day last week!

Jen said...

Aw Luka is sooo adorable!

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